Depression Treatment
Have you lost your motivation and its been tough to move forward? Have you withdrawn from friends and family? Have you been feeling empty and like you are stuck in a long black tunnel with no end? We understand how tough it is to struggles with depression symptoms.
Depression is a painful mental wellness condition that impacts millions of people per year. It afflicts people worldwide, regardless of age, gender, social status, or any other demographic factor. Depression can ruin a person’s life, causing unnecessary pain, sadness, anxiety and suffering.
Depression can leave us feeling drained daily. It can be tough to function daily at work, at home and in our relationships. You may feel very isolated and alone.
Depression can occur alongside other major mental illnesses, including substance abuse. It is in fact one of the most common mental health issues and can often be seen alongside other concerns.
Anxiety and depression are often seen together, and anxiety can sometimes be a symptom of depression. Disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are often seen comorbid with depression like symptoms. .
Health issues can occur alongside depression.
What is Depression?
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, some common symptoms of depression include:
• Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
• Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
• Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or activities
• Decreased energy, fatigue, or being “slowed down”
• Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
• Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
• Appetite and/or weight changes
• Lack of interest in sexual, decreased libido
• Withdrawal from people or places, like work, church
• Thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts
• Restlessness or irritability, angry overreactions
• Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease even with treatment
Depression can also cause a flat mood, or no emotion at all. It is almost look any emotion would take more energy than the person has..
Although this may not seem like a depressive state of mind, angry outbursts, aggression, and easy irritability can also be symptoms of depression.
You don’t have to carry the weight on your own, together we can make the improvements in your quality of life that you are looking for and be the best version of yourself. Through mental health therapy and counseling services you can gain support, insight, awareness, coping skills and improvement in overall life function. Let our specialized psychotherapy providers work alongside to live the life you deserve.