Anxiety Treatment
Anxiety can manifest in many different ways, have many different root causes and symptoms. The worry, nervousness, tension and physical pain you feel can be tough to live with. Anxiety symptoms can start interfering with our work, relationships, hobbies and overall sense of well-being in our daily life. It can feel like you have no power or control because the anxiety just takes over.
Anxiety is more common than you may think. As an emotion, it’s part of everyone. At certain times and to certain degrees, it’s normal. It can help you deal with stress. It helps trigger the fight or flight state, which can keep you safe. Depending on how anxiety manifests itself, how you’re able to cope with it, and how you react, it may not always be healthy. We understand how your anxiety feels, and we can help.
When you feel anxious more than any other emotion, it doesn’t benefit you any more. Once that happens, you may find yourself socially withdrawing. Your relationships are impacted. Your work may suffer as you act out to over-compensate for your “weakness.” No matter how anxiety affects you, it is real. It can be debilitating. You can find yourself unable to work, socialize’ or even function on some levels.
Some people think that there has to be some history of trauma to trigger anxiety. That’s not always true. The stress of everyday life can lead to anxiety in some people. For others, anxiety is a learned behavior or even genetic. The good news is, that with our help, you can learn to overcome or cope with your intense anxiety and its triggers.