Recognizing the Symptoms of Depression?

Everyone experiences and shows emotions in their own unique way; no two people ever feel exactly the same things. However, there are some characteristics of emotions that people typically share to some degree. For example, when people are happy, they usually smile. When people are panicked, they either often talk very quickly or stumble over their own words.

When a person is depressed, they will behave in a way that is unique from every other person who has depression. However, just as is the case with other emotions, there are some signs and symptoms of depression that almost all people share. 

Learning to recognize these signs of depression can have a big impact on the life of a loved one, co-worker, or even yourself. If you or someone you know may need professional help for depression, reach out to us at South Cove Counseling.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

Many people straight away will say that a person with depression is sad, and they aren’t wrong. However, there is a difference between being “sad” and being “depressed.” 

Various types of depression are characterized by intense emotions. Depression is a serious condition that disrupts and interferes with a person’s life.

Feelings a Person with Depression May Experience

Some of the more common specific feelings that a person with depression may have include:

  • Prolonged feelings of hopelessness

  • Unrelenting dread for the future

  • Severe feelings of sadness

  • Persistently feeling worthless or helpless

  • Feelings of pessimism, frustration, and irritability

In addition, a person who has depression may have no interest in activities that they used to enjoy. They may feel “empty” or anxious much of the time. Alternatively, they may also feel indifferent about things they used to be passionate about. 

Signs of Depression to Watch Out For

In order for a person to be diagnosed with clinical depression or major depressive disorder (or even another type, such as seasonal affective disorder, persistent depressive disorder, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder), the symptoms must last for a certain period of time, at least for longer than two weeks. 

As stated, depression is not the same as sadness. It’s also not the same as grief or bereavement. Outward signs and symptoms of depression to watch for in a friend, family member, or someone else you know are:

  • Changes in appetite

  • Weight loss or gain

  • Sleeping too much 

  • Not sleeping

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Thoughts of suicide or death

  • Noticeably slowed movements or speech

  • Withdrawing from others

  • Mood swings

  • A chronic lack of energy and/or enthusiasm

Furthermore, a person with depression often will exhibit an increase in physical activity that has no purpose; that is, fidgeting. This often is displayed as an inability to sit still, constantly wringing their hands, or pacing frequently.

Getting Help for Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression must last for at least two weeks and produce noticeable changes in a person’s level of daily functioning. However, if you suspect that you or someone you know may have depression, the best thing you can do is reach out for help. 

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), one in 15 adults is affected by depression and one in six people will experience it in their lifetime. You’re not alone. It’s important to understand that depression is treatable and manageable. With proper treatment that includes therapy and counseling, people are able to recover and live happy, fulfilling lives.

Contact us at South Cove Counseling for help with depression in Florida. We can help in-person or online, so book your free consultation or your first 60-minute intake session with us today.


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