Coping Skills that Reduce Anxiety
Just about everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives; some, more than others. There are different classifications of anxiety, and every person handles them differently and feels them in ways that are unique to them.
Why is Anxiety so Difficult to Control?
The biggest reason for anxiety not having one easy “treatment” path is because there are many, many different types of anxiety. The five (rather broad) classifications of anxiety are:
● Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
● Panic Disorder
● Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
● Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
● Social Anxiety Disorder
These classifications of anxiety can all be divided into further sub-categories that describe what a person can be feeling during times of stress. People can experience several types of anxiety at a time, and they can also experience several other emotions all at once along with it, as well.
Can Anxiety Be Cured?
While some people handle anxiety without it significantly impacting their lives, others are severely affected by it.
Anxiety itself cannot be cured. However, it can be treated. Professional counseling can help, not by “curing” anxiety but by helping a person learn effective, healthy coping skills they can use to navigate times when they feel the weight of anxiety pressing down on them.
Strategies and Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety
There are several different suggestions that people can try to help them cope with anxiety when it strikes. There are also a couple of excellent “rules” that are worth a try, too.
Basic Tips and General Suggestions
Some coping strategies that are recommended by the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA) include:
● Slowly counting to 10 (or 20, or 30!)
● Limiting caffeine and alcohol
● Taking a time-out, which could be listening to music, meditating, or doing yoga
● Accepting that you cannot control everything
● Keeping the situation in perspective
● Reminding yourself to keep a positive attitude
● Getting some exercise, which increases endorphins (“feel good” hormones) in your body
These tips and suggestions are designed to keep people “grounded” and calm by removing themselves from the anxiety, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Tips for Managing Anxiety at Work
Work anxiety is extremely common, but it can leave people far too stressed for too long after the anxiety-producing event passes. Some tips for managing anxiety in the workplace include:
● Get to know everyone’s names to address problems easier
● Avoid triangles that include gossiping, criticizing, and venting about coworkers
● Ask for help
● Use neutral (calming) language
● Set realistic, honest deadlines
● Focus on the facts
● Access resources
● Encourage others
Anxiety in the workplace is to be expected, but if you aim to improve communication, build relationships, and follow some of the suggestions above, everyone at work can benefit.
The “3-3-3 Rule” for Anxiety
This rule is designed to ground people in the present moment to lower anxiety. The rule is to:
● Name 3 sounds you hear right now
● Move three parts of your body
● Point out three things that you see
It helps the brain step back from the current situation and reestablish a hold on the situation.
The 5-4-3-2-1 Rule to Reduce Anxiety
This rule is a grounding technique that can be really helpful during periods of panic and anxiety. It works by using the five senses to focus on the present moment while avoiding the pressure of several anxious thoughts all at once.
When things feel overwhelming, take a moment to sit quietly and notice:
● 5 things you can see
● 4 things you can feel (physically)
● 3 things you can hear
● 2 things you can smell
● 1 thing you can taste
When you can shift your focus to the present moment by interrupting unhealthy, anxiety-producing thought patterns, you can boost your mental clarity, soothe your spirit, and gain some control over anxiety.
If you’re interested in counseling to help you learn to cope with anxiety in healthy ways, reach out to us at South Cove Counseling today to schedule a consultation.